Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Kiss Those Thin Lips Goodbye

Scarlett Johansson, Halle Berry, and Beyonce all have one thing in common – their lips. Full and luscious, they are considered by many to have the perfect lips. While not all of us were born with these lips, it is possible to have them.

When considering a lip augmentation procedure, there are numerous factors that should be considered. How long will the results last? What is the recovery time? And probably the most important question, will they look natural? When comparing the lips to the rest of the face, they should be full, but not overly full. Lips that are well proportioned fit the face. The width should be about twice the height. The texture should be smooth.

Lip enhancement procedures can correct inadequate lip size for both lips at one visit or just the top or bottom lip, depending on the correction needed. Procedure options include injectable dermal fillers, fat transfer, and lip implant placement. The end result of these procedures is fuller lips; however, the length of time the results last vary.


Injectable fillers such as Restylane®, Perlane®, and Juvederm® can enhance lip definition as well as increase lip size while decreasing the fine lines around your mouth. The procedure consists of your physician using a syringe to administer the dermal filler underneath the skin. The filler in turn adds fullness to the lips and enhances your natural lip outline. By injecting filler into the vermillion border, the most common filled portion of the lips, they appear more defined, similar to wearing lip liner. The cupid’s bow, the V in the center of the top lip, is more pronounced.

After the procedure, the lips may become swollen and you may notice some redness at the injection site. This redness and swelling usually disappears within 24-48 hours but may be visible in some patients for one week or more. Makeup can be used to help camouflage any temporary redness or brusing that may occur.

Dermal fillers are a temporary solution to thin lips and therefore repeat treatments will be necessary in order to maintain the look. The period of time for which the result lasts varies significantly from patient to patient. The majority of patients experience fullness for an average of 3 to 6 months while some patients notice fullness for an entire year.


A fat-injection procedure, also known as fat transplantation, consists of taking fat cells from another area on the patient’s body typically from the abdomen, thighs, or buttocks and then reinjecting it into the lips to enhance the lip size. This procedure is a safe, natural alternative to restoring damaged or inadequate lip size. Unlike collagen injections, there is not a risk of allergic reaction to the transplanted material and allergy testing is not required before the procedure because your own fat is being used. With the use of your own body fat, fat transfer allows you to restore volume to the lips for a fuller, more sensual look.

Many patients are able to resume normal activity immediately following this procedure. Swelling, bruising, and redness can be visible in one or both injection sites but usually subside within 48 hours. Makeup can be used to cover up any visible redness or bruising.

Results of fat transfer injections vary greatly from patient to patient. The majority of patients notice a decrease in fullness after about 6 months, however, some patients report their results lasting from 1-3 years. As with dermal fillers, repeated injections will be necessary in order to maintain results.


Lending a more permanent solution, the PermaFacial Implant is safe for lip enhancement and is available in a variety of sizes to allow for patient customization. The PermaFacial Implant is an FDA approved device with a smooth surface that cannot rupture or leak. This procedure can be performed in the office under local anesthesia.

Post-operatively you may experience mild swelling and bruising with these symptoms dissipating in 7 to 10 days. Pain medication may be prescribed by your physician to relieve any discomfort. You may be sensitive to the touch for the first 2 weeks but your daily activities may resume immediately following procedure.

Although permanent, PermaFacial Implant is designed to be easily removed at any time should you want to return to your original appearance. However, it is always recommended that patients first try injectable fillers to see if they are satisfied with the look of their enhanced lips before making the commitment to surgical lip implants. Suitable candidates for lip augmentation include men and women of all ages desiring fuller lips. Non-smoking adults in overall good health are ideal.

There are advantages to all 3 of the procedures listed. Lip implant augmentation offers the advantage of not having to undergo routine injections and although permanent, they are easy to insert and remove. With fat transfer you run no risk of allergy. While injectable fillers offer a temporary solution to those who do not want long term results, repeat injections are required to maintain the results. Whether you are considering dermal fillers, fat transfer, or lip implant placement, the procedure should be performed by a qualified physician experienced in these procedures. After discussing your goals and establishing realistic expectations, your physician will recommend which treatment is more suitable for you to achieve the results you are longing for.

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